Delivery is FREE** to the countries listed below within the European Union (outside the EU may incur additional charges). Delivery times are displayed beside the product. The delivery time of an order is always based on the ordered product with the longest delivery time. Once your product leaves our warehouse, you will receive a tracking code allowing you to follow the live shipment. Depending on the size of your order, we will ship your vetsak® products insured with our logistics partner DHL, DPD or the Freight Forwarder Rhenus. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Customer Happiness Team.
Answers to more questions around delivery you can find here.
If you're looking for more info on returns, click here.

Country | Delivery Cost |
Germany | 0,00 € ** |
Austria | 0,00 €** |
The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg | 0,00 €** |
Spain, Monaco, France, Italy, Portugal, Greece | 0,00 €** |
Denmark, Finland, Sweden | 0,00 €** |
Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic | 0,00 €** |
Ireland | 0,00 €** |
Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania | 0,00 €** |
Switzerland, Great Britain, Norway*** | 100 € / 200 € |
Average Delivery Time is depending on the product. See product page.
Orders are usually shipped in multiple packages with our shipping partners DHL & DPD. Even if all packages leave our warehouse at the same time, it may happen that packages do not arrive at the same time. Please be aware that DHL + DPD only deliver to the curb.
Freight Forwarder Rhenus
A shipment by freight forwarder will be delivered to the curb.